I-SITE ULNE offers to support a researcher willing to conceive, submit, lead and coordinate a multi-partner project on the H2020 topic : The Human Exposome Project: a toolbox for assessing and addressing the impact of environment on health
The European Union has released a H2020 call for proposals on the topic of The Human Exposome Project: a toolbox for assessing and addressing the impact of environment on health.
The Exposome can be defined as the measure of all the exposures (diet, lifestyle, occupational and environmental factors) of an individual in a lifetime and how those exposures relate to health. An individual’s exposure begins before birth and includes influences from environmental and occupational sources.
This topic is at a cross-road of the 3 hubs of excellence of I-SITE ULNE: Health, Planet, and Digital world. In addition, as part of its original scientific strategy, the I-SITE ULNE Foundation wishes to set up a structuring research project for the Lille metropolitan area, involving the 3 hubs.
Therefore, the subject of the EXPOSOME is an opportunity for I-SITE ULNE to obtain a structuring, excellence research project.
Applications are to be submitted before 12 July noon via the following platform: https://exposome.sciencesconf.org/