
The region Hauts-de-France has set up a device called Start-AIRR, intended for the Hauts-de-France academic laboratories, and dedicated to supporting the last steps of research for projects with potential for maturation, with a view to a future technology transfer. The I-SITE ULNE offers laboratories of the consortium a co-financing of up to 50,000 euros for ambitious projects with high innovation potential, as part of its scientific strategy around its three hubs: health, planet and digital world. It is a permanent device. Results - 1st session Results - 2nd session
  • Applications received before March 1st will be decided in June ;
  • applications received before June 15 will be decided in October ;
  • applications received before October 1st will be decided in February :
  • applications received before December 1st will be decided in April.
To apply: copy of the Region file and request letter to  

Strengthen cross-border collaborations: Short-term mobility grants

I-SITE ULNE is offering support to the professors, researchers, teachers and administrative staff of its member institutions or French external partners who want to carry out short-term mobility (maximum of 15 days, consecutive or not) at targeted partner universities in the cross-border region. The aim is to deepen and broaden interactions between institutions in the framework of research or academic projects, for example. PhD students can not submit a project but can participate in a project leaded by someone eligible. The mobility has to be carried out between July 2019 and March 2020. Applications should be sent by email to the following address:, by June 13, 2019 at 10.00 am, GMT +1. Call for projects Application form  

Joint call to strengthen collaboration between Ghent and Lille/Hauts-de-France Region: short-term mobility

This joint call aims to reinforce collaborations between I-SITE ULNE (members & national partners) and Ghent University by providing funding for professors, teachers and researchers who wish to carry out a short-term mobility (maximum of 15 days, consecutive or not) at international partner participating in this call. The main goal is to deepen and broaden interactions between institutions in the framework of research and/or academic projects. The mobility must be carried out between July 2019 and August 2020. The project leader must submit the application in English by June 17, 2019 at 11.00 am, GMT+1, by email to (for I-SITE ULNE members & French national partners) or (for staff from Ghent University). Call for projects Application form

Industrial research chairs

The Lille conurbation (MEL) and the I-SITE ULNE jointly launch the 2019 edition of the Call for Industrial Research Chairs projects. For the I-SITE ULNE, are eligible: the laboratories of the consortium The I-SITE ULNE can provide a complementary co-financing of 20% maximum of the total eligible cost up to a limit of € 100,000. The application form can be downloaded here and have to be sent to
  • Deadline on 30 April 30 2019 for a final validation in June 2019
  • Deadline 1 July 2019 for a final validation in October 2019
  • Deadline on 30 August 30 2019 for a final validation in December 2019

Call for projects HSS “Cultures, societies and practices in transformation”

Funding of 5 HSS projects of 130 000€ maximum (including at least 50% of a PhD student contract) on the cross-disciplinary theme: Cultures, societies and practices in transformation. Who can apply? Permanent researchers of the consortium belonging to one of the relevant research disciplines (Law, Economics, Management, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences) Application before 7 June 2019 (23:59) on

Call for expressions of interest VALORISATION HSS – 2nd session

Co-funded by I-SITE ULNE and SATT Nord, this call for expressions of interest aims to highlight any innovation project coming from the research led in Human and Social Sciences laboratories of the I-SITE ULNE consortiumThe duration of the project is between 6 and 8 months, and allows a financing of 30 000 euros maximum (staff, operation, small equipments, services). Funded projects will have to respond to social or societal issues or be linked to an economic activity. Application Form The SATT, the services of the establishments and the Meshs can bring a support to set up the application. Applications have to be submitted by e-mail to until 9 May 2019 . Contacts: Gaylord BAUDEN-HAMEREL, SATT and Marie-Claire BILBAULT, I-SITE ULNE  

Co-supervised doctorates 2019 – University of Kent

6 co-supervised doctorates with the aim of strengthening cooperation between I-SITE ULNE and the University of Kent. Three PhD projects will be funded on the French side (via the present call) and three PhD projects on the British side. Interested applicants may submit a thesis project in any subject field with one or more (co-)supervisors from the University of Kent. The PhD candidates selected via the present call will be principally attached to the research team of the promotor associated with I-SITE ULNE. Successful candidates must spend at least one year in the laboratory of the University of Kent supervisor during the three years of the doctorate. Following a successful doctoral defence, the PhD candidate will obtain a doctoral degree from each institution. PhD applicants must submit their application by email to the following address:, by May 2, 2019 at 23:59 GMT +1. Dowload: Call for projects Application form

Co-supervised doctorates 2019 – Ghent university

6 co-supervised doctorates with the aim of strenghtening cooperation between I-SITE ULNE and Ghent University. Four PhD projects will be funded on the French side (via the present call) and two PhD projects on the Belgian side. Interested applicants may submit a thesis project in any subject field with one or more (co-)promotors from Ghent University. The PhD candidates selected via the present call will be principally attached to the research team of the promotor associated with I-SITE ULNE. Successful candidates must carry out at least six months in the laboratory of Ghent University promotor during the three years of the doctorate. Following a successful doctoral defence, the PhD candidate will obtain a doctoral degree from each institution. PhD applicants must submit their application by email to the following address:, by May 2, 2019 at 23:59 GMT +1 Dowload: Call for projects Application form

Mobility grants – immersion courses in English in Kent

The I-SITE ULNE Foundation is offering support to teachers-researchers, researchers, teachers and administartive staff of its founding members and national partners in order to realize a 2-week mobility (from June, 30 to July 13 2019) at the University of Kent. During this mobility, the applicants will follow intensive English courses and will meet with their British counterparts.   Results  

Health PhD 2019

I-SITE ULNE will fund 5 to 10 “Health-PhD” thesis grants to allow Medical doctor, pharmacist or orthodontist students to be released from clinical activities during one year (eventually renewable one time). The aim of the call is to allow these students to pursue a University Thesis in the framework of the “Ecole Doctorale Biologie-Santé de Lille”. During this term, the candidate will fully dedicate his or her time to his or her thesis inside the host laboratory. Remuneration will be equivalent to a 4th year intern salary. Call for proposal is available following this link: Results

ERC Generator 2019

15 grants of 120 K€ maximum to boost the submission of ERC projects. The project will have to include a Post-doctoral recruitment (minimum 12 months). Deadline for submission: 22 March 2019 – 23h59 on the platform

Short-term mobility grants

I-SITE ULNE is offering support to the PhD students, professors, researchers, teachers and staff of its member institutions or French external partners who want to carry out short-term mobility (maximum of 15 days, consecutive or not) at targeted partner universities in the cross-border region. The aim is to deepen and broaden interactions between institutions in the framework of research or academic projects, for example.

PhD scholarships related to companies / 2nd wave

As part of the call for projects launched by the Region Hauts-de-France (FEDER), financial support of the I-SITE ULNE up to 30% of the budget. The laboratories of the I-SITE ULNE consortium are eligible. Copy of the FEDER file and letter of request have to be submitted to until 1 February 2019

Joint laboratory-company team – 2nd wave

As part of the call for projets launched by the Region Hauts-de-France (FEDER Fund), co-financing within the framework of the three hubs (health, planet, digital)   Support of 100,000 euros maximum per project, up to 20% of the budget.   The following are eligible: the laboratories of the I-SITE ULNE consortium.   Application: Copy of the Region file and letter of request to be submitted to until 15 January 2019

Call for expressions of interest VALORISATION HSS

Co-funded by I-SITE ULNE and SATT Nord, this call for expressions of interest aims to highlight any innovation project coming from the research led in Human and Social Sciences laboratories of the I-SITE ULNE consortium. Funded projects will have to respond to social or societal issues or be linked to an economic activity. Results [in French]

Sustain & Expand 2

10 interdisciplinary projects of 150 k € maximum:
  • 5 Sustain in order to reinforce the perimeter of excellence (are eligible the researchers and teacher-researchers of PERIDEX),
  • and 5 Expand to extend it (are eligible for researchers and teacher-researchers who are members of the consortium excluding Peridex members).
Careful: External partner institutions may participate in the projects but can not be directly beneficiaries of the funds (including via a repayment). In addition, the I-SITE encourages the holders to formalize their project with the project engineering services of their institution, and reminds that the signature by the person in charge of the establishment is required.


I-SITE ULNE proposes to support a researcher from one of its founding members or partners wishing to design, submit and coordinate a multi-partner project for the H2020 call for projects on the theme 'The Human Exposome : a toolbox for assessing and addressing the impact of environment on health', a subject at the intersection of the 3 hubs: Health, Planet, and Digital World. Applications are to be submitted until 12 July noon via the following platform:

Innovation Fund for Education and Training

€ 1,800,000 to finance innovative projects that address both the challenges of large numbers of students and lifelong learning, as well as the search for excellence in teaching expected from a world-class university. Who is eligible: Teachers or teams of teachers from founding partners of I-SITE ULNE or French partner institutions, or departments of these institutions concerned with educational innovation, having innovative projects in education and training. Contact:

ERC Generator 2018

10 grants to support the submission of ERC projects. The applicants will have to choose between a grant for one year of Post-doctoral position or half of a grant for PhD recruitment. In addition, I-SITE ULNE will attribute 50 000€ to support the project development.

MD-PhD 2018

I-SITE ULNE will fund 5 to 10 “MD-PhD” thesis grants to allow Medical doctor students to be released from clinical activities during one year (eventually renewable one time). The aim of the call is to allow MD students to pursue a University Thesis in the framework of the “Ecole Docotorale Biologie-Santé de Lille”. During this term, the candidate will fully dedicate his or her time to his or her thesis inside the host laboratory. Remuneration will be equivalent to a 4th year intern salary. Call for proposal is available following this link:

Make Our Planet Great Again: co-funding of international Post-Doc and PhD

In the Framework of the « Make Our Planet Great Again » initiative (support to research in earth systems, climate change and sustainability, and energy transition), I-SITE ULNE and Université de Lille wish to co-fund the hosting of the international candidates granted by the two MOPGA calls for proposals needing a co-funding: « PhD » and « Post-doctoral ».   "Post-doc" I-SITE ULNE offers to co-fund, with Campus France, 2 post-doctoral fellows granted by the « post-doc » call for proposals and hosted by Consortium member institutions. Candidates will have to be foreigners. They will have to provide a letter from the host institution agreeing to co-finance the candidate’s research. I-SITE ULNE invites its members and their laboratories to fully invest this process of hosting international Post-doctoral.   "PhD" Université de Lille offers to host and complete funding for 2 PhDs in the framework of the call for proposal « PhDs » of Campus France. The University invites its laboratories, involved in MOPGA topics, to communicate the thesis subjects to, head of the PhD student’s affairs service, before the March 27 2018 for a submission on Campus France website. Selection process is entirely done by Campus France. Consistent with the aims and requirements of this call for proposals, the selection process will unfold in two phases. In the first phase, scientific experts in the covered fields will evaluate the applications received. In the second phase, an international jury will make the final selection of candidates to receive support.   Timeline: March 12, 2018: Application period opens April 6, 2018 at 23:59 CET: Application period ends Week of June 18, 2018: Announcement of results Between September and December 2018: Supported candidates report to participating institutions Submission online on Campus France website.

Joint laboratory-company team

As part of the call for projets launched by the Region Hauts-de-France (FEDER Fund), co-financing within the framework of the three hubs (health, planet, digital) Support of 10,000 to 100,000 euros per project, up to 20% of the budget. The following are eligible: the laboratories of the I-SITE ULNE consortium Temporary results [in French]

Joint-doctorate KU Leuven

9 joint doctorates aiming to strenghen the cooperation between KU Leuven and I-SITE ULNE. 6 doctorate projects will be granted by the french side, 3 doctorate projects by the Belgian side. Who can apply : researchers of the I-SITE consortium and researchers of KU Leuven (preferably from KU Leuven KULAK or Ku Leuven campus Brugge), having a common doctorate project aiming to sustain or expand the Hubs Download :

2018 Award for Excellence in educational innovation

10 prizes of 5,000 € each, to encourage excellence in teaching and educational innovation. Who can apply: Teachers and teaching teams of the consortium or French partners institutions.

PhD scholarships related to companies

As part of the call for projects launched by the Region Hauts-de-France (FEDER Fund), co-financing within the framework of the three hubs (health, planet, digital) Financial support up to 30% of the budget.


6 projects of 200k€ each, to expand the PERIDEX Who can apply : Researchers from the consortium or « partners institutions» which will adress one or more challenges of the hubs. Download : Project managers who have not been selected can now make an appointment with the coordinators of their relevant hub(s). To contact them:


5 projects of 200k€ each, to strengthen the specific research fields of the PERIDEX and to foster interdisciplinary research Who can apply: Researchers in the PERIDEX of the consortium from at least one hub. Download : Project managers who have not been selected can now make an appointment with the coordinators of their relevant hub(s). To contact them:


5 à 10 projets de pré-maturation de 70k€ maximum chacun pour soutenir l’innovation et le transfert vers le monde économique. Sont éligibles : les chercheur-e-s et enseignant-e-s chercheur-e-s membres du consortium ou des institutions « partenaires »  développant des innovations ou technologies potentiellement transférables en phase de pré-maturation (typiquement, pour un passage d’un Technology Readiness Level  2ou3 à un TRL 3ou4), contribuant à un ou plusieurs défis des hubs. A télécharger : Les porteurs de projets qui n'ont pas été retenus peuvent prendre dès maintenant rendez-vous avec les coordinateurs des hubs concernés.