
- Applications received before March 1st will be decided in June ;
- applications received before June 15 will be decided in October ;
- applications received before October 1st will be decided in February :
- applications received before December 1st will be decided in April.
Industrial research chairs

- Deadline on 30 April 30 2019 for a final validation in June 2019
- Deadline 1 July 2019 for a final validation in October 2019
- Deadline on 30 August 30 2019 for a final validation in December 2019
PhD scholarships related to companies / 2nd wave
As part of the call for projects launched by the Region Hauts-de-France (FEDER), financial support of the I-SITE ULNE up to 30% of the budget. The laboratories of the I-SITE ULNE consortium are eligible. Copy of the FEDER file and letter of request have to be submitted to until 1 February 2019

Joint laboratory-company team – 2nd wave

Call for expressions of interest VALORISATION HSS

Sustain & Expand 2
10 interdisciplinary projects of 150 k € maximum:- 5 Sustain in order to reinforce the perimeter of excellence (are eligible the researchers and teacher-researchers of PERIDEX),
- and 5 Expand to extend it (are eligible for researchers and teacher-researchers who are members of the consortium excluding Peridex members).