In order to reinforce the cohesion and integration of its members on a daily basis and to encourage their involvement in the transformation project, to guarantee a smooth, responsive and efficient functioning, the Foundation I-SITE ULNE also has a steering committee composed of:
- Régis BORDET, Executive Director of the I-SITE ULNE foundation;
- Nicolas ARNAUD, Referent Scientific Director for Lille (CNRS) ;
- Jean-Christophe CAMART, President of the University of Lille;
- Frédéric BOIRON, Director of the CHU de Lille;
- Eric DEVAUX, Director of the ENSAIT ;
- Isabelle HERLIN, Director of Inria Lille;
- Samir OULD ALI, Regional delegate of Inserm.
Standing guest: Benoit DEPREZ, Scientific advisor to the Foundation Institut Pasteur de Lille